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Last Words: Why I Love Obituaries
My dad loved to read the obituaries. He used to sit in his broad wing-back chair with a gin and tonic at his elbow and peruse them like...

The Story of a Book: From Writing to Publication
I gave up on my first book. And not like I gave up for a few minutes or for a couple days. Not like when a Twitter friend gets a book...

The first rule of Sub Club: Don't Talk About Sub Club. No, authors don't talk about being on submission. No one does. OK, I'm doing it...

Your Bestie's Books
So, I have some pretty famous writers friends. Like almost everything, I wasn't born with them. We started out unpublished, friends...

How I Got My Agent
If you're a children's book writer and you're serious about your craft, you've probably been to SCBWI conferences where there are Q&As,...

Taking Rejection and Learning from Agents
Querying is incredibly daunting, and I hope I never have to do it again. It's the worst. But the Year of Querying made my manuscript SO...

A Room of One's Own
I've heard many male authors say that they write like a job. Nine-to-five. Or, eight hours a day. I find that amazing--that they can do...
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